Furry Friends

Sarah's Story-Sarah is a silly German Shepherd mix that I adopted from the LSU-Vet School in 1994 during my fourth year. She was brought in by someone that had seen her get hit by a car in front of her house. The lady couldn't afford the surgery to fix Sarah's broken leg, so she donated her to the vet school. After the residents fixed her broken leg she was put up for adoption. A month later when no one claimed her, I was told to call
Animal Control. Well, after taking care of her for a month, I just couldn't do it- I took her home with me instead; so now she has a mom and a sister!

Amber's Story-Amber is a six yr. old chubby Welsh Corgi mix that I adopted while working in a Vet clinic in New Orleans during my "pre-vet" years. She was a stray found by a client. Her temp was 105 degrees; she had Ehrlichiosis and Scabies. I fell in love with her while taking care of her and decided to adopt her. I also nursed her through a broken leg and two occurrences of Demodectic mange. Today she is fat, fine, and on diet dog food. Amber passed away at 3am on May 31, 1997 after she went into cardiac arrest following emergency surgery for an acute severe illness. She could not be revived in spite of the efforts of her Mom and the other 4 veterinarians who stayed to help. She is sorely missed by her Mom and her sister, Sarah.

A Dedication to Amber

Serenity's Story-After Amber's death Sarah and I were completely lost, the house was way too quiet! There was no one to play with her and no one to cuddle up on my pillow with me at night. I considered getting another dog but I did not want to be unfair to it by expecting it to be like Amber. After much soul-searching, I realized I could never replace Amber with another dog, but I still had plenty of room in my heart for another dog to love. After mentioning this to my colleagues, the groomer at work brought in a little 5-month-old Heintz 57 mix that her neighbor had been feeding. It was love at first sight. I named her Serenity, thinking it was probably the only way I could say I had a little serenity in my life (VBG). Unfortunately, Serenity has yet to live up to her name, her nickname is Devil Spawn (Child of Satan was too long) and she answers to that much better than she does to Serenity!

Bambi's story-Bambi is an orphan squirrel that was brought to the clinic by one of our receptionists who saved him from her dogs. I took him home and syringe-fed him until he was old enough to crack nuts and take care of himself, at which time I released him into the neighborhood. Two days later, he came back half-dead, he had not eaten or slept since he had left. I took him in and nursed him back to health, and now he simply refuses to leave, so he lives in the house with my girls. He also goes by Bamster, Bams, The Bam-meister, and Bambulator...