
Inventory of the Estate of John McIntire

Recorded in Maury, Co., Tennessee 4 Oct 1841

    An inventory of the property of John McIntire Deceased.
    One gray filly one yoke of Oxens four head of cattle Ten head of hogs Twenty four geese ten ducks Eight head of sheep three bee stands one loome two stays two plows and gear one chest one sifter one shovel two dishes two
    hoes and one mattock two skillets One bed and bedstead one stone jear two stone mugs one Whiskey barrel one and one churn and pitcher Watch Some Corn few chears one table this the Eight day July, 1841 one bible one pear of Stilards one saddle one Raines some Books
    nine goslins one ----ing knife


    H. X W. Daivs admin. M.C.

        Sworn to in open court 4th Oct 1841
        Wm. E. Erwin CLK

Henry W. Davis 1 gray Filly $20.00
William S. Kelly 1 yoke oxen 23.25
William McIntire 1 Brown Cow & Calf 9.00
William S. Kelly 1 _____ steer 2.50
J. B. Hamilton 1 _____ calf 1.12 1/2
W. D. Bakley 8 head of sheep 7.00
John McIntire 10 head of hogs 7.87 1/2
William McIntire 2 head of geese 3.00
Da Do 9 head of goslins 2.25
William McIntire 1 Bee stand .25
" " 1 " " 2.50
H. W. Davis 1 " " 1.87 1/ 2
Nathan Dungan 1 Mattock 1.00
William Hood 1 Bear Shear Plow 1.00
John McIntire 1 Bul Tounge plow .62 1/2
" " 1 Bed and Furniture 1.00
" " 1 " " " 1.00
" " 1 Chest 1.00
William McIntire 1 Bible 1.06 1/4
John McIntire 1 Silver Watch 1.12 1/2
" " 1 Table .37 1/2
" " 1 lot kitchen ware 1.62 1/2
" " 1 ? 1.18 3/4
W. L. Church 1 pear of stilands .75
John McIntire 1 Whiskey Barrel .25
" " 1 lot copper wire .25
" " 1 Wire line .31 1/2
" " 1 Mares saddle .25
" " 1 kettle .68 3/4
H. W. Davis 1 frame loom & 2 stays 1.00
Rodrick Bail 10 bussels of corn at 62 1/2 cnts per BBL
John McIntire 10 bussels of corn at 57 cnts
per BBL.


    The following is a true acct of sales of the estate of John
    McIntire deceased Oct 4th 1841.

    H. W. X Davis Admin M.C.

    Sworn to in open court 4 Oct 1841.

    Wm. E. Erwin Clerk

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