
She steals into the room in complete silence, were it not for her sweet perfume floating on the air, you would be completely oblivious to her presence....

Before you even realize she is near you, you feel her soft breath upon you ear as she whispers "Follow me...". She all but dissappears into the darkness, leaving only her sweet scent for you to follow. You come upon her standing in a large room in front of a roaring fire....she beacons you you closer and leads you to a large throne-like chair and motions for you to be seated there sit....and to watch....

As your eyes adjust to the dimness of the room she finally comes fully into view. You see before yourself a vision surely sent from heaven above. She is clothed in the most exquisite albeit flimsy white silk. Your senses come alive as you see the subtle outline of her body as she passes before the fire....

You immediately notice the soft music in the background, you are completely unaware of its origination of even when it began its soft haunting notes.

At that precise moment a slight movement catches your eye and you notice that she has begun a slow, sensual dance, alone, in front of the fire. The flames play off of her long golden hair as she lifts it off of her neck, her hips slowly swaying to the beat of the music....

Afraid of breaking the spell that seems to have fallen over the room, you refuse to move - you scarcely even breathe as you view this enchanting creature before you...

She seems oblivious to you and her surroundings, lost completely with in the music. You notice that her eyes are closed and a small mischeivious smile plays upon her lips...

Then, as mysteriously as she appeared, you realize that she has gone, leaving only in her wake, her sweet perfume and the soft melody playing in the background...

Mystery TorchRomance

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