The Tsalagi WebRing was created solely for websites dedicated to the Tsalagi (Cherokee) culture and heritage, no intertribal or pan-indian sites. This is a place for all tsalagi (cherokee) sites to gather to help share, preserve, and protect our culture, crafts and language for generations to come.


All Tsalagi Bands, Nations and individual tsalagi are welcome, as long as their webpages contain content and information relating directly to our Tsalagi (Cherokee) culture and/or language!

Please read before you submit:

Sites only with Tsalagi (Cherokee) content will even be considered for submission.

Pages consisting only of links (with no original content) will not be added.

To be considered for this webring, go here after you submit your site to the queue and please follow the directions. Please add the fragment code on to the page you want linked. If you add the fragment to your webring or links page, then that is where you will be linked from.

Also, if you add your site to the queue and it is not tsalagi, don't be surprised when you find you have been removed. I have set guidelines and I'd like to uphold them as much as possible. No offense is meant to other native sites, but this is a Tsalagi (Cherokee) Webring. There are plenty of other Native American webrings out there and I'm sure they would be more than happy to accomodate you. Wado.

Guidelines for this tsalagi (cherokee) webring are:

1) Tsalagi (Cherokee) Oriented Pages only, Please!
2) No Adult XXX Or Racism Sites


To Submit your Tsalagi (Cherokee) Site to the WebRing
Go here!

To Edit your site (once you've already been submitted into the webring), enter your site ID and password below: 
Site ID:

This feature works only for tsalagi ring members.

If you have NOT been submitted to the actual Tsalagi Webring, please do not keep the code and graphics on your pages, these were created specifically for our ring members ONLY.

This Tsalagi Ring site is owned by The Tsalagi Webring

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