
Questionnaire for BourbonStreet CL applicants


All questions must be answered or your questionnaire will not be considered.

Your GeoCities Membername:

Your Real Name/Handle:

Your Email Address:

Your Neighborhood/Suburb:

Your Address (i.e., 1234)

Do you have ICQ ?
If so, would you mind giving us your UIN?

Please enter a short bio, maximum 200 characters. This is the text that will be displayed on the official GeoCities leader listing for BourbonStreet if you are accepted, so write it as if you were someone else talking about you:

Why do you want to become a CL for BourbonStreet?

How do you think the program will benefit from you?

How well do you know HTML? Java? JavaScript? ActiveX? the Internet in general?

Do you currently spend any time in the chat rooms? If so, how much and which ones?

How long have you been a GeoCities Member?

How much time a week do you spend on the Internet? in GeoCities?

What area would you be most active in (Checking sites for content violations, monitoring chat rooms, working on special projects, checking sites that are Featured page applicants, ...)?

How well do you know GeoCities (how the member utilities work, the page content guidelines, the GeoRewards program, etc.)?

Could you tell us about yourself (hobbies, pet peeves, etc.)

Do you have any other internet sites that we could take a look at?

How many hours a week do you have to DEDICATE to GeoCities?

Why did you choose the BourbonStreet neighborhood?

Any special skills that could help you in being a CL?

These are typical emails we get daily from Geomembers. They rarely provide us with enough information as to what their problem is unfortunately. Please write your reply.

1. I am having all the troubles in GeoCities getting my homepage up. I am lost. Please help.

2. Where do I pick up my email?

3. How come my pictures won't show up?

Are you under 18?
No Yes

Answer this section only if you are under 18


Will your parent or guardian email us giving their consent? (this must be submitted within 24 hours of your application or your application will be discarded)
Yes No

Telephone number of parent or guardian (include country code if out side the US):

I have verified that all pages of my site have correct links to either GeoCities or BourbonStreet.

I have reviewed the GeoCities Page Content Guidelines and my site complies with them in all aspects.

I agree to participate in an intense training program lasting approximately two weeks. I understand this will take about an hour per day during this time.



Remember, being a Community Leader is an important responsibility. Children under 13 are not permitted to apply. The personal information you will be providing is being sent to and collected by a volunteer, a Community Leader,and NOT an employee of GeoCities. This information is being collected solely for the purpose of evaluating your application to become a Community Leader, and determining whether you should be accepted as an BourbonStreet Community Leader. As part of the evaluation process, your information is likely to be reviewed by other BourbonStreet Community Leaders, and may be kept on file by the BourbonStreet Community Leaders for an indeterminate period of time. Please contact if you have any questions about how your information is used.

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