In addition to assisting you in Physical Challenges, Potence may allow
you to perform feats of supernatural strength. Ask a Storyteller for details.

* Potence 1

Your opponent must bid one extra Physical Trait in any challenge you initiate.

** Potence 2

The Bomb. Boom. You may now use a fourth hand signal in all physical challenges, called the bomb. It is made by giving a simple thumbs up sign. The bomb defeats both paper and rock, but it is defeated by scissors. You must announce that you have the bomb in order to use it in a challenge. You do not have to announce it, but if you don't then you may not use it in that challenge. If you think that it confers no advantage, talk to Phil, and he'll show you how it does, using simple mathematical probability.

*** Potence 3

Opponents must bid two additional traits in any Physical Challenge you initiate

**** Potence 4

You may get a single free retest on any Physical Challenge that involves strength, such as breaking down a door, or attacking in combat, but not defending in combat. If you use this free retest, you may not use any other abilities or powers to retest again. This may be used multiple times in one session, but only once per challenge.

***** Potence 5

You inflict two levels of damage in physical combat, instead of one. Ouch.