
     That is me standing near the ruins at Monti Alban overlooking the town of Oaxaca. Oaxaca is located in the mountainous area of southern central Mexico. Since many bus and train routes pass and stop in Oaxaca, the town is swarmed with backpacking tourists mainly from the states and Europe.

     To me, Oaxaca is a must see stop on any trip to Mexico. The location is the reason for this. Oaxaca possesses the beauty of a remote mountain town, it and is easily accessible to backpackers due to the town's location in central Mexico. Many bus and train lines pass through and stop in Oaxaca.

     The mountains surrounding the town are beautiful and completely unlike anything we have in the states. They are covered in jungle mixed with giant cactuses. Oaxaca is located in a valley and other smaller town are located in adjacent valleys. Atop one of the mountains adjacent to Oaxaca lies the Monti Alban Ruins. The view of the city is great from this ancient site.