Army-Air Forces Navigation School

Monroe, Louisiana

In honor of the Selman Field Personnel who displayed valor, devotion,
and selfless consecration to the service of the United States of America
in the Armed Forces, protecting the dream and our hope that there will
be no more roads to war. For their contributions toward freedom, we shall
always remain a grateful and humble nation.

In Loving Memory
Roy B. Gates
12/28/1916 - 3/11/2009

ROY B. GATES, World Traveler, Avid Outdoorsman, Southern Gentleman, passed away March 11, 2009. He was born in Pollock, Louisiana, December 28, 1916, to William R. and Mabel Gates. The family, including his brothers, Billy B. Gates and Glen Gates, moved to West Monroe where Roy attended school and graduated from Ouachita Parish High School in 1935. He worked with the CCC, completing various projects, including the dam at Lake D’Arbonne, while he attended classes at Louisiana Tech.
A call to serve his country led to his enlisting in the Army Air Corp, Oct. 8, 1942. He brought the first group of recruited Air Corps Specialists to Selman Field on Oct. 14, 1942. Assignments and stations include: 96th NTS, instrument specialist; Flux Gate Compass Pioneer Instrument School, Philadelphia, PA; McClellan Field, CA; 3rd AF, McDill Field, Florida. The demobilization after the war led to his Honorable Discharge from the service; but he forever loved his country and admired the men and women who have defended it.
He has had a lifetime of giving to the community through his activities in many civic organizations. He has served in leadership positions in the Selman Field Historical Society, working to reunite veterans who trained at Selman Field to serve our country as navigators. Even at the advanced age of 92, he has served this year on the board of the Friends of Chennault Aviation and Military Museum. His awards and expressions of appreciation are numerous and include Monroe Mayor Ralph Troy awarding him the Pacesetter Award in 1976, and Secretary of State, Fox McKeithen proclaiming April 29, 2005, as Roy Gates Day for the state of Louisiana.
Online Registry/Condolences:

In Loving Memory
Peter Hugh Davis
December 7, 1942 - November 27, 2006

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands.
One nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.

Please reload your pages, especially if you have been here before. Some of your former links here may not work!

The Selman Field Memorial Page has been reformatted. It has always been my intention for it to be a place to Honor the Men and Women that attended this training facility. Most of the information here was graciously provided by the Selman Field Historical Association, located in Monroe, LA.....but this site is NOT an official body of this organization.

This site is intended to inform the general public, and the generations to come of the importance of the role of these men and women during WWII. It is also here to facilitate the reunion of any alumni of Selman Field. If you were at Selman Field, and would like your email posted to the email list, please drop me a note at
Only alumni of Selman Field will be posted to this list.

Without all the time spent, and hard work by Roy Gates, Peter Davis, Richard Mansfield, Charlene Shanas Davis, and the rest of the Selman Field Historical Association...these pages would not be possible. My personal thanks to them all.

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Selman Field Class 44-4, 390th Bomb Group: 568th Squadron



My father served at Selman Field in W.W. II, in the 96th Navigational Training Squadron. His name was Leo Carnell Tripp. I have many letters and post cards he wrote my mom during his assignment there. I have pictures in his uniform also, and his "annual" with his picture in it. As far as I know, he never ranked above Private, as he only served for about a year before being discharged honorably due to family hardship. He was an airplane mechanic. Though he has passed on (Oct. 11, 2003) I would love to receive information from those who might have served with him. He was a very tall man and had a winning smile and wonderful temperament. I also had uncles...last name McGough...who served there at Selman field also at the same time. If anyone has knowlege or recollections of them, I'd love to hear from them. Thanks so much for honoring these brave men who defended the country I love. Linda T. Fulenwider
If you have anything to share with Linda, here is her email address:

A Short History of the School

A work in progress...updated through February of 1943

a Selman Field alumni. Enjoy his inspiring stories and information about Navigation during WWII.

by Horace Turell, Selman Field alumni. Enjoy his wonderful stories and information about Navigation during WWII.

Read the Book! The Memories of Horace Turell

Articles from the "Log of Navigation" Magazine

Commanders and former Cadets or Instructors

Email addresses of former Selman Field students.
Take a may find an old class-mate!

Pre-Flight, Advanced Training, Aircraft & Instruments used by the Navigator

Women in the Service; WASP, WAC, and WAVE, Reproduction, other Permanent Staff

Photos of the Base
The Hospital, Churches, and Joe Grope

Football, Baseball, and Boxing

The USO, and other volunteer services

*Note: The link above has a lot of pictures, is slow to load, please be patient.

Weddings and other Social functions

Also contains links to help you search for WWII Veterans.

If you would like to have a banner to link to this page...please help yourself to the one below.

Links to the City of Monroe, Louisiana

Click for Monroe, Louisiana Forecast

Questions or always welcomed!

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Not Affiliated with the US Government. There are photos and information contained on this site from the Selman Field Historical Association Archives. All or most information can be obtained from the history center located at Maxwell Air Force Base, and is within the Public Domain, unless otherwise noted.

� 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000-2006 Rita Carrington Bryant