Rhapsodynblue is my "artist" name.
(You really didn't think I was born with it?!)

I am a writer, photographer and digital graphic artist. I was an award-winning journalist for a top ten national newspaper before I became a marketing and public relations professional. Although I produced brochures, newsletters, annual reports and advertising, for years, I never fully explored the thrill of self-expression through my art until one night about seven years ago, when I put on a Pink Floyd CD, turned on my Mac and graphic arts software, and fell prey to this consuming
passion. (I didn't adopt the artist name of Rhapsodynpink
because that would have been just too cute!)

My art is created mainly in Fractal Design Painter,
Adobe Photoshop and KPT Bryce 3-D Modeler.
I also dabble in CD cover design. I like this medium
because I believe there is primal link
between visual arts and music. (Besides, I'm
a sucker for a screaming lead guitar,
a dominant drum beat and lusty vocals.)

I began designing this website as a medium for displaying my personal galleries just weeks after going on the web, so it is not technically proficient. The site is merely the body;
the art is my soul.

I hope you find something here that inspires you.
That will make the Rhapsodynblue Galleries
a worthwhile venture

Rhapsodynblue extends her sincere appreciation
to Pam for her early and faithful enthusiasm for this gallery,
and to Karel for guidance, affectionate criticism,
and for understanding MiPassion for art and music ...

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