

["Welcome to the World of Sausages and Seasonings"]

Brought to you by your SausageMaster,
Harvey Goodhart
and H & K Old World Meat Co.

"Hello! I'm Harvey, your Little Old Sausage Maker!
I'm working very hard to keep these pages functional and looking good."

This site contains information about:

Sausage Making
Jerky Making
Smoking Fish and Fowl
Wild Game
Recipes for all of these items and other interesting information

So, let's get started. Pick your area of interest and we'll be off. If this is your first visit to this page, why not listen to a few songs before you start your tour. You'll find them if you look a little lower on the page.

Mail Order! OK, Folks! We're OPEN! Toll free numbers are in and we've been in business for about 8 months. At H&K, you can get your hands on the very best sausage, jerky and smoked meats in the world! We understand that we may need to join "GEOSHOPS" to be able to link to our commercial site but while we look into that, "Come on in to H&K!"

All About Sausages!

All About Jerky!

All About Chili, Stews!

All about Smoked Fish and Fowl!

Venison and Other Game Cookery!
Courtesy of Bruce and Phylis Moffitt

Tips, Tricks and Conversions


My Favorite Links!

Listen to Some of my Favorite Music!

I'm interested in your comments. You can Email me at Sausageman_1@geocities.com


Updated 12-10-2000

I apologize for the possibility that some pages may not view properly but I have not been able to strip the older geocities code from each one since they merged with Yahoo. I'm working on it and should have it fixed some day. So come back soon and visit me often. As you can see, we are still under construction but we ALREADY have some very good information here and we are growing almost every day!

Site content by Harvey Goodhart, Master Sausagemaker.

Site design by Tom Kelly, sausage student and novice web site designer.
If you find any problems (bad links, bad grammer, bad breath, bad dreams, etc.) or have any comments regarding the site design, please Email Me

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Harvey's Sausage Faktory is a charter member of

  The Sausage Ring
A linked list of websites for Sausage Makers & Sausage Making Suppliers, founded by NorthWest Smokin'.

This site owned by Harvey Goodhart
 Want to join the  Sausage Ring ?
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