by thebaglady, Prose Investigator

written This Day of Our Father
August 12, 1998

This page is dedicated to MY MAMMA, Lady Red
She of the Free Spirit

COMMANDMENT 1: Thou shalt not embarrass
thy family...
Even if they're the most dysfunctional family
anybody could have!

COMMANDMENT 2: Thou shalt claim relation to
Robert E. Lee...
If thou art black...
thou must honor thy Indian Blood...

COMMANDMENT 3: Thou shalt tell as little of the truth
as possible...
as slowly as possible..
Especially if thou has just been shopping...

COMMANDMENT 4: Thou shalt not brag
on Thyself...

COMMANDMENT 5: Don't pay for anything
thou can get free...

COMMANDMENT 6: Thou shalt claim Insanity
if Caught Naked as a Jaybird...
Which is totally true...
Thou are constitutionally insane sometimes somehow...
(It's the Lee Blood...)

COMMANDMENT 7: Thou shalt always
honor Israel...
Rememeber at Peril of Thy Soul:
Christ was Jewish...

COMMANDMENT 8: Thou shalt not be Single...
...Old Maid...or...Lounge Lizard...
And disgrace thy Family...

COMMANDMENT 9: Thou shalt Read Books
and Educate thyself...

COMMANDMENT 10: Thou shalt never be TACKY!

If thou has comments,ideas or questions,
please email me or write them in GuestBook

Visit my Message Board:
Southern Fried Politics
Okkkkkkkkk....Keep it clean, keep it clean, keep it clean.
That goes for you Yanks as well as us Rebs...
This message board is NOT for fighting...
please don't fight with thebaglady, Beloved.
Something bugging you, see a mule doctor!
This place is for questions, answers, solutions,
sharing ideas and cultures, history buffs.
Oh, foreigners are welcome to contribute too...
I kind of like New Yorkers and scalywag Rhode Islanders:
I know - pickypickypicky...

Sign GuestBook,please
View Guestbook..see who's written

~Keep Scrolling...
Scroll all the way to the bottom to finish~

"Oh, No, Bill..."
click to read on the prez, #2
Click right on the prez,#1

TheBagLady Staff
Prose Investigator: TheBagLady herself
Talking Heads: You may apply for this email
Plain Clothes Body Man: the Bud
Staff Psychologist: Sir Bob
Remedial Reading Interlocutrix: M'Lady Gloria
Reserve Militia: BlackFlag and Bastuere Frommel

Click here to go back to thebaglady's homepage

Read this Soul Saga from my Bleeding Heart:
Get The Dixie Flag Down in Columbia,
South Carolina
Click right here right now to read...

...Anybody know CGI or Java Script programming???
Gotta learn it...
to do what I want to do here...for polling
so, SOS,SOS techs and scholars!...
Babyboy, if thou has better idea, email me how right now!
~Keep Scrolling...~
Readers, I will not update every day,
however I will update regularly...

Click here to read blue's poetry blue's poetry

Attention, Attention: My commentary is original and is copyrighted,
so do not copy any of it without my permission...
That's ILLEGAL, beloved.
If thou makes a copy for thy friends to read...well,
I can sure live with that...just be sure thy gives thebaglady credit.
This page is making its 'debue' tonight, August 12, 1998

If you send this page to 5 people in the next 5 minutes, 5 people will get this page. If you send this page to 20 people in the next 5 minutes, 20 people will get this page. And just think, If you send this page to 30 or more people in the next 5 minutes, 30 or more people will get this page! Wow! Of course, some people just won't get it at, Please send it to somebody!!

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