Episowd #1:


by CindaBella

One day da beeyewtiful Frensh soopermodel Nicolina waz on a foto shoot fer da cuver uf GLAMMER PAWZ magazeen in da enchanted forezt uf Pariz. Afta da fotogopherz waz dun takin pictoorz uf Nicolina, she desided to go fer a walk in da forezt by herself to think and to dreem. She waz haffin so much fun chasin da goldin winged buttaflize and pikkin joosy red berriez dat she dident even notizz wen fluffee snow started to fall and da sun started to set. Befur long, da whole forezt waz dark and da snow waz pilin up arownd her and she coodent remembear which way waz da way bakk owt uf da forezt. But at leezt she wazent cold becuz she had her snugglee fur koat on.
Juzt as Nicolina waz startin to feel a littel afraid dat she mite be lozt foreva in da forezt, a big silvery purpul sparklee rokkit ship appeered over da treez and den landed in a cleering juzt pazt ware she stood. On da side in big mettallik bloo letterz it sed TEQUILA TEDDY FRUM N'AWLINZ. Nicolina made her way to da cleering juzt az da door to da rokkit ship flew open and owt stepped Tequila TEDDY hizzelf.
He waz holdin a perfekt red roze and a paw painted bukkit uf huney. He looked much like Nicolina had imajined him in her dreemz, only moor handsum and brave. "I iz heer to rezkew yew frum bein lozt in da forezt, oh beeyewtiful Nicolina", TED sed. "Ooooo La La", sed Nicolina, "Eye ham soo happee u fownd me! But how did u no ware I ham?" Tequila TEDDY prezented Nicolina wit da roze and offered her sum spoonfulz uf huney wile he explaned dat he waz relaxin on hiz balconee in da Frensh Kwarter uf N'awlinz liztenin to a wailin saxofone playin in da diztanse wen he suddenlee received an urjent SOS messaze on da wild twirlee vinez hangin over his hed. Da messaze had ben sent frum a magik mushroom dat herd Nicolina's plaintiff pleez fer azziztanze rite dere in da enchanted forezt in Pariz.
Da two bearz hugged with glee and TEDDY helped Nicolina clime into da rokkit ship. Onze dey had dere seet beltz on, TEDDY put da kee in da ignishun to take off. But nuthin happened.
"Uh Oh", TED sed, "I tink da Akksellerator MetroBOPic Pin muszt haff fell owt wen I landed and I left in such a hurree dat I fergut to pakk an xtra wun fer diz jurnee".
Da two bearz waz silent fer a momint.
Den Nicolina sed, "TED, if u let me take a luk at da enjin, I tink eye may be abel to fix it. I ham reel gud wit mekanikal tingz, u no". Wit dat, TEDDY opened da door uf da enjin room and Nicolina went inside to luk arownd. She saw dat da prublem waz juzt wat TED had suzpekted. So she took da shimmerree dimund studded barrett frum her hair, twizted it arownd a littel, den karefully slid it into da Akksellerator MetroBOPic Sylinder.
"Voila!", Nicolina exklamed and Tequila TEDDY smiled. Den dey put dere seet beltz on agin and TEDDY turned da kee in da ignishun and with a big swishee sownd, da rokkit ship took off into da moonlit skiez. Wile Nicolina enjoyed a bubblee glazz uf champain and TED sipped hiz appel jooze becuz he waz drivin, dey made dere planz fer da jurnee to safetee. Da two gleeful bearz desided dey wood fly to Nicolina'z home in Kanada so she cood intraduze her rokkit ship hero TED to her Mama and den pakk a few luvly dressez and fly to N'awlinz so TED cood intrzduze da beeyewtifull soopermodel Nicolina to hiz Mama.
Dey waz so happee togedder dat dey desided dey neva wanted to be apart agin and even took a littel detoor to Marz fer sum ice kreem to sellabrate. Den Nicolina & Tequila TEDDY flew on thru da nite sky, singin to da starz and lookin forwurd to lotz of fun dayz ahed.

The End Fer Now

Email BEARZ in this storee:

CindaBella(author)...Nicolina...Tequila TEDDY

Did yew lik diz storee??? PLEEZE Sine da Guezz Buk!

Attenshun Bear Writerz! Joyn Teddy's Klub and Lizt fur lotsa humor an hugz! Submit yur storeez!

Have you sent a TEDDY e-curd yet???

Vizit Henry Geetar Bear's Electric Forest!!!!!!!

an TED's otter pajez...

Back to Nicolina...HOME TO TED'S DEN...
Koming soon? 2 wot planit???...

....bear rumuntikz n adventurbearz sinze Rocktobear 6, 1999...

© 1999 all ritez rezbearvid by TequilaTeddy and CindaBella.