Whips, Webs and Dungeons
What is Whips, Webs and Dungeons?
Whips, Webs and Dungeons strives for BDSM excellence on the web. It is an attempt to bring together information, business, and organization sites into one webring so that knowledge of the lifestyle is pure, safe and uncorrupted by people whom have never experienced the life, but feel that they are able to give advice to those whom are truely looking for knowledge.
What Whips, Webs and Dungeons is not:
It is NOT for Cyber-subbies, Dom-O-Lounger-Doms or any webpages that promote Cyber-Domination and Cyber-Submission.
How do I become a member of the webring?
Easy! Truely it is. All you have to do is save the graphic at the top of this page and place it in the directory of the page you want us to link to. Then, CLICK HERE, fill in the application form and submit it. Shortly after, you will receive an email that will provide you with the URL to go to and pick up the HTML code for your link.Or scroll down and get it there.
Your site will not be added to the ring, until you have the required HTML code on the same page that you want us to link to. Don't forget to save the graphic at the top of this page, and place it in the directory of your opening page.... and....
If you are interested in submitting your organization's web site to Whips Webs and Dungeons, please follow these simple directions.
It's that easy. You will receive a site I.D. and be added to the queue. After review (and verifying that you have indeed added the necessary HTML code), you will be notified that you have been added to Whips WEBS and Dungeon Webringing.
The following HTML Code must be added to your web page before you can be added to Whips Webs and Dungeons.
Simply cut and paste the following code into your web page. Make sure you replace everything in Uppercase with your information. Don't forget to delete the underscores. If you do not edit in your own information, particulary your Site ID, the integr
For example, on this page, the tag reads as follows:
If you have any questions please email