Getting Medieval

Greetings from Emeleth MacEwen, as I am known in these Current Middle Ages. This page contains many wonderful things pertaining to the Society for Creative Anachronism here for all to enjoy. I have pics of me and my fellow SCAdians. There are lots of photos of my friends and I in garb, much of which is shameless self-advertising should one be interested in acquiring any from me...the garb, that is.
Email Me

SCA Projects
Some of My SCA Pals
Fighter Photos
Some Simple Garb Instructions
SCA Purity Test
Society for Creative Anachronism
Midrealm Kingdom Page
The Incipient Shire of Drakelaw

"In Three all things are possible."
I'm the one in the middle.

Back to Bourbon Street

This site is the creation of Emeleth MacEwen. This is not a pubication of the Society for Creative Anachrnism, Inc., and as such does not delineate SCA policies. In cases where information presented here should vary from printed materials published by the SCA, the information in that printed copy shall take precidence.