My Passions in Life
My Soul
My soul goes clad in gorgeous things,
Scarlet and gold and blue;
And at her shoulder sudden wings
Like long flames flicker through.

And she is wallow-fleet, and free
From mortal bonds and bars.
She laughs, because Eternity
Blossoms for her with stars!

Oh, folks who scorn my stiff gray gown,
My dull and foolish face---
Can ye not see my Soul flash down,
A singing flame through space?

And folk, whose earth-stained looks I hate,
Why may I not divine
Your souls, that must be passionate,
Shining and swift, as mine!

...............My Hubby,Trainman

Deep in the heart of me,
Nothing but you!
See through the art of me---
Find the best part of me,
Changeless and true.
Deep in the heart of me
.....................Nothing but you!

..............My baby girl, Freckles
She always leans to watch for us,
Anxious if we are late,
In winter by the window,
In summer by the gate;
And though we mock her tenderly,
Who has such foolish care,
The long way home seems much more safe
Because she waits for us there.
Her thoughts are all so full of us,
She never could forget!
And so we look always to that window yet,
......She's waiting until we come home to her.

..............Of course, Shaboom's Kitchen!!

Out of the smoke a shadow,
Then a spark;
Out of the fire,
Behold! A hot chile!
Out of the heart a rapture;
Then, a pain!
Out of the bottle a pill,
Then sweet enjoyment;
Oh! Shaboom has done it again!!!
And cooked yet another dish to die for!!

....I love to welcome God's beautiful sunrise from our deck....
Have you ever had your day suddenly turn sunshiny because of a cheerful word? Have you ever wondered if this could be the same world, because someone had been unexpectedly kind to you? You can make today the same for somebody. It only takes imagination, a little time, and love in your heart. Why not?

.......Don't forget my Washington Redskins!

"Hail to the Redskins! Hail Victory!
Hail to the Redskins! Fight for old D.C."
After 30 years, I'd never desert them now!! I get TRULY passionate about THEM!!!

....I get off on Country and Western Music!!
Country & Western music really gets to me. Even though I was born with all kinds of music, singing and dancing in my soul. Here you see Travis Tritt, but I love em all---Garth Brooks, Randy Travis, Lee Ann Rimes, Diamond Rio, Shenandoah, John Berry,and many more. There are many times, though, when the music and singing within my heart surpasses all. That music ranges from hymns to classical, Dixieland, R&B, Blues, golden oldies, "old" rock, and more. THAT is the kind of music that I always wish to share with you. (And yes, like most women, I have always loved "Ole Blue Eyes"!.)

...A magical passion is the writings of J.R.R.Tolkien. Many of the characters are in the Halls of Tolkien

Here is a picture of Luthien, the most beautiful Elven lady who ever lived in Middle Earth, who gave up her immortality, never to return to Valar, to stay in Middle Earth with her true love Beren. This is the "Lay of Luthien:
"Farewell sweet earth and northern sky,
for ever blest, since here did lie
and here with lissom limbs did run
beneath the Moon, beneath the Sun, ---Luthien Tinuviel,
more fair than mortal tongue can tell.
Though all to ruin fell the world
and were dissolved and backward hurled
unmade into the old abyss,
yet were its making good, for this---
the dusk, the dawn, the earth, the sea---
that Luthien for a time should be."
.....from "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R.Tolkien

I have a definite affinity for all things English. After all, I am 99-44/100% pure English: My Grandmother was from Cornwall, and my Grandfather was from Wales. Not only that---I can speak the language, too!!! hehehe

Ah, yes!! CHATTING! I totally LOVE to chat! "Nettie" has always been my favorite chat room. I have met the most wonderful folks there, many of whom you can meet on my Friends and Neighbors Page. Come on, let's chat!

Whoa!!! Heeeeyyyy!!! How did she get in here? Hmmmm, she DOES look familiar---I think I've seen her in Nettie. Oh, yes, I know her now---she is Shaboom's Alter-Ego! AHA! You didn't know Shaboom HAD an alter-ego, did you? Doesn't everyone? So far, Wildcat hasn't gotten me into any real trouble, but I'm not taking any chances here. She had better get back in her place before she embarrasses me!

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