Wanna meet the gals who run #SouthernGals and the others that make the channel a great place to be? This is the official page of the Undernet's #SouthernGals. It's run by IMaLady, GoldiLoX^, and Heather--. We have a lot of fun in this channel. There is something always going on. We talk about anything in our channel. We have made a lot of good friends in this channel and even found love in here too. We offer the best southern hospitality anywhere! You can get to know each of us gals, other ops and our regulars. You should come check us out over there on the Undernet! We would love to have ya! Most of us use mIRC to get on the Undernet. Here is your chance to download it now so you can come and pay us a visit!


Click on the smiley face to see the southern gals that run this channel :)

Would you like to meet the three southern gals that started this channel? Well, click on these links below to find out just who they are :)

IMaLady, Founder of #SouthernGals

GoldiLoX^, Co-founder of #SouthernGals

Heather--, Co-founder of #SouthernGals

Special People of #SouthernGals


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