Saturday, February 12, 2000
10:55 PM, on the computer

I think I'm in love with Rebecca St. James... heh... *sigh* Imagine Garbage's sound combined with Sarah McLachlan's lyrics only Christian... and twice as gorgeous as both band's lead singers... *feels flushed*

Anywho, for those of you wondering about Courtney's condition, she's fine. She went home yesterday with her mother, and she's getting plenty of rest and she's to have no visitors, no calls, and she can't check her mail... basically she's going to be locked in her house, I think it'll do her good. Her daughter is in TN with Court's stepfather to provide less stress. I haven't seen her since yesterday morning, and I'm unaware as to whether or not she knows my involvement in yesterday's fiasco (and especially what I had to go through) but I'll be the first person to see her on Monday, so I'll try to make it funny and make her feel special. She needs it with all she's been through...

People have asked how my date went. Basically, I didn't have a date last night, and I forgot to include that with my journal. Thursday I found out that my date joined the army and had to be in Memphis for a physical... last night when Jeff and I went to see a movie, I joked about how either way I was going to end up seeing a movie with my former boss.

Speaking of jobs, I applied for a job at Lifeway Bookstore... I hope I get it, especially if there's an employee discount... then I could get all those CD's I've wanted for cheap.

11:58 PM, on the computer

I'm bored... I'm really bored... I'm really really *WHAM!* zzzzzz.....zzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzz.......

c 2000 Rabid Duckie Productions