Monday, April 3, 2000

11:26 PM, on the computer

Someone left a very amusing entry in my guestbook. It was from a person claiming to be Elton John, and it said: "hmm....are you one of these people who preaches tolerance but then doesn't tolerate gays like me? you just can't preach selective tolerance...that's not the way it works."

I laughed my butt off.

I really did think it was one of the funniest things I'd heard in a long time, I mean no offense to the person that wrote it... it just shows that either that was the only journal entry they read or that they weren't paying attention. But do let me clear something up. I don't hate gays, i don't hate pagans or Buddists or Muslims or anything else you can think of. I try to love everyone I can and offer encouragement to those that listen, and I admit to not liking some people (I'm not Will Rogers) but I wouldn't wish anything bad to ever happen for them, I pray the best for everyone. I do, however hate one thing. I detest it. It's not Saddam Hussein, it's not Abortion doctors (I'm pro-choice by the way... as in you can CHOOSE to have that poor baby)... it's one lil bitty three letter word.


That's it. That's all... For example, I don't hate guys that go out every weekend and seduce some girl, get her drunk, and use her for sex... I just hate what he did. It makes me sick to my stomach to see what some people are getting themselves into sometimes. I hate sin with all of my heart, and I hate it that no one is free from it.

In regards to the tolerance thing, I'll go on and tell you I preach intolerance and tolerance to a certain degree... tolerance and love towards people, but intolerance towards sin. Love serial killers, but hate the acts they do. Pray for hedonists (pleasure seekers), but feel sorrow for them when they commit a selfish act or seduce some unwitting soul... God loves everyone, but He hates their sin!

And EVERYONE makes mistakes, everyone sins... it's human nature. But we can avoid it to the best of our ability, and God helps even more beyond that. But no one under the sun is free completely from it... to do so would mean perfection. If you or someone you know is perfect and free from sin, either they're lying out their wazoos or it means Christ has come back (In which case I really want to meet this person).

To whoever signed my guestbook, I ask you a question. Would it shock you if I told you that you were teaching selective tolerance? My Lord and Savior teaches that He is "...The way, the Truth, and the Life. No one may come to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). I'll tell you that I teach only ONE solution, only ONE way to get to Heaven, and only ONE way to live, and that's through Jesus Christ. Is the Bible included in your tolerant ways? Can you include a belief in a God that is above all other gods and a "theology" that faith in Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to have eternal life? Are you even familiar with the Bible? If not, I suggest you read it, because if you aren't including Christianity then you may be branded a hypocrite. After all, according to you tolerance towards ALL is the way it works...

But seriously... God Bless you man, and I really mean that! You blessed me so much writing that in my guestbook, because I needed to show people where I stand and you gave me the fuel I required, thank you so much!

Oh yeah, and something I wanted to write the other day but forgot... April 1 is also National Atheism Day... I get a kick out of that. Anyway.

On a personal note... I just realized I'll be 20 a week from today... man, I feel old *laughs* Anyway, God Bless all who read this! Praise God!

c 2000 Rabid Duckie Productions