Tuesday, August 10, 1999
11:30 AM, on the computer

Ugh, life isn't bad... but it sure isn't good.

  1. The other day Julie and I got into an argument and it almost took half the computer with it.
  2. The processor is fried and I had to put my grandmother's old 486 in it. Sloooooooooowwwww...
  3. I DIDN'T GET THAT FREAKING JOB!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! I talked to the manager today, and he told me something that really peeved me. He said I gave the best interview and I'd have the job, but I couldn't meet the hours required because of BAND! BAND!! This job was going to help me prevent from having to rely on band for college scholarships, and now that class is keeping me from having any job...
  4. I went to the dentist and he told me I have Perodontal disease. I could lose all of my teeth if I don't take care of them, but fortunately for me the solution is easy... I just have to brush after EVERYTHING (even a donut or a cracker) and I have to rinse twice a day with a special mouthwash. More good news when I cure this disease my teeth will be white, my gums will be healthy, and I'll have great breath. Hey who knows, with the way my teeth feel now, maybe chronic brushing isn't a bad idea.
  5. Dad, after threatening me to get a job even though I didn't want one... said that he doesn't want me getting a job now that school's about to start... when I want a job now... !??!??!!

Wednesday, August 11, 1999
1:46 AM, on the computer

Well now I know how Jessi felt when I pulled the guilt trip thing on her. It really doesn't work. I just had a run-around pulled on me, and well... it didn't work, although that doesn't make me feel better.

I just talked to Lauren, and I mentioned my comp problems to her... and she offered to sell me her Pentium 233 for $150 cause she's getting a new one. Groovy... now I just need the money.

Julie starts school later today... oh man, I start classes next Wednesday... yeesh.

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