Monday, September 25, 2000
11:23 PM, on the computer
I just spoke with a dear friend from England, and we got a lot discussed. Very pretty, but very confused about the Lord. I tried to help her as best I could, but the most I can do is pray for her and hope that He intervenes. The problem with intercession however, is that when a person intercedes for a person they often become a part of the answer. I care enough about the girl though to be willing to be a part of the answer, Lord knows she needs someone that actually cares about her.
Me and my bleeding heart.
Speaking of which, I'm having an increasing burden for my church. There's a lot of inner workings going on that I hadn't previously known about, and I'm starting to see how much of a burden my Pastor truly has on him, God bless him. I know very well that it may be my church someday, and I want to make the load as easier on Pastor as I can. Maybe I can find some way to do a small, simple task that would decrease his load to earn trust and more important tasks. I just want to help him out though, so I'm open to his suggestion.
I just can't stop thinking about that girl though, she was just like myself before I found peace in the Lord... she's just as confused and angry as I am, but there's something else...
I was watching an interesting problem the other day, it was on Worldly and historical proofs of Christ's existence. One of them was many many books written about him or that spoke of him that were written by Roman and Jewish philosophers and historians. I'd love to read them if I can get a hold of them, if anyone's reading this and they know of them please do tell me!