Heavy Roller Gourmet Runners

We are a casual running group that emphasizes cooling down after a run more than the run itself. We normally meet at the City Park Tennis Center on Saturday mornings about 7 AM. However, from time to time we venture out to other areas. For locations on any specific date please refer to the Heavy Roller Schedule. For the latest in Heavy Roller News check out the Heavy News. Our distances and speeds vary from walking two miles to running twenty or more, with five miles being the most common distance. It is usually a safe bet that there will be someone out there running your pace and distance. The one constant is the refreshments afterwards. We are strong believers in replacing fluids lost from running. Check out a recent group photo or some pics from St. Patrick's Day.

Most anyone is welcome to join in our runs and if you start to show up on a regular basis, this is very loosely translated, you will be added to our list. In addition to our regular runs we have other sporting and non-sporting activities such as riding in the RAGBRAI(Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa), crawfish boils, canoeing, RockNBowl, poker games, attending Zephyrs, Brass, and college(Tulane, UNO, LSU) games, etc. These activities can also be found in the schedule. If you have any questions about the Heavy Rollers or upcoming events send email to Follow Me, he's our unofficial events coordinator. To send comments about this site send email to Mr. Forgetful, any comments are appreciated, even if they are ignored. To send email to any other Heavy Roller look in our current member listing or the USEDTA List for email addresses.