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Our little channel is a great place to  
make new friends and have fun. 
in this channel you will know for sure 
that you are not alone! 

The Dalnet #Crossdress Channel 
is a multi purpose channel, it's a place where People  
gather to make new friends and to visit old friends too. 
it's also a place where people share a  
common interest in transgendered lifestyles 
but wait .. 
it's also a support channel,most of the people that  
you will find in the channel are very 
helpful and informative 
all you need do is ask and  
chances are someone will have an answer. 
General Channel Guidelines 
Please consider these when you visit with us! 
 NO Co-Channeling 
(co-channeling is being on more then one channel) 
in this case it means to be in the #Crossdress channel and 
another Channel 
Co-Channeling on 
the following Channel types are not alowed 

porn channels 
sexpic channels 
rapesex channels 
kiddysex channels 
and all channels of this nature 
if you are on one of these types of channels 
in most cases you will be asked to part them 
in some cases depending on the type of channel 
you may not receive any warning at all 
and simply be kicked out the channel 
* we like to keep our channel clean * 
and chances are if you are in a channel like say 
#!00000kiddysex you are not someone we want here anyway 

Offensive Nicknames  

Nicknames with words like sex,slut,whore 
are not alowed 
if you are using a nickname of this type 
in most cases you will be asked to change it 
in some cases depending on the nickname 
you may not receive any warning at all. 
and simply be kicked out the channel 
people that have been warned before 
will just be kickbanned!! 
* we like to keep our channel clean * 

Privacy Policy

Please ask in the channel 
before sending a private message 
or starting a dcc chat 
some users like their privacy 
and do not like receiving private messages 
please respect this 
if a user complains about it to an op 
it may result in action taken 

you can however message an op 
the ops are here to help 
if you have any questions reguarding the channel 
please direct them to an op 
(op=channel operator) 
an op will have an @ to the left of there nickname


Loud or obnoxius behavior towards another user
in the channel will not be tolerated

constanly private messaging someone after 
you have been told no is considered HARASMENT
please see (Privacy Policy) above

That basicaly covers it

this page is under CONSTRUCTION
so stop back often
