Aurora's HomePage

Welcome to my home

UPDATED January 15, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to my home. My name is Aurora Celeste and I am pleased to meet you. Wolves are my favorite animal so I have devoted my page to them. Part of my heritage is Native American Cherokee. My Native American name is in Shawnee. It is Keelswah Pellosa, meaning "sun child". I have played the violin for three years and was concertmaster for the junior orchestra for last school year and the summer season before. This summer I placed in the senior orchestra. I also like native american story telling. I'm a member of NASC as well as a storyteller for NA Future. At home I like for my sister to make me frybead for breakfast (she calls them as the French do"beinets") with powdered sugar. My great or great great grandmother was on the Trail of Tears as an infant with her Cherokee parents. Somehow a caucasian family in Tennessee took her. My mom's side has Native blood, too. But that is another story. A few times I have been able to go to powwows. They were fun. I enjoy learning about my past and my Native American heritage. Please make yourself at home here. Thank you for stopping by.
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Here is a North American Grey Wolf. Grey Wolves once were very common in the United States. Now only a few remain. We must take care of these beautiful creatures before they are lost forever.

This is a North American Red Wolf Pup. Red Wolves uses to live in the Souther U.S. They are smaller than grey wolves, redish in color and have bigger ears to allow heat ventilation for the hot climate. Now only a few exist in captivity.

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This page last updated January 15, 2008


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