1. Can I use your images?
Yes and no, you can only use the ones in the image galleries of the spice girls, all the other images you see on this site have been edited by me and they are off limits.

2. Why can't I use your edited images?
Because!... I worked so hard to change them or make them and I want my site to be differnet, thats why I have differnet images. If you cared for your site was well then you wouldn't take these.

3. What programs do you use to make your web page?
Surprisingly enough, not that many. I use Paint Shop Pro 4.12 shareware for my images and Mapmaker32. I usually work online, but for some of my other web sites I work offline in notepad.

4. Can you link me and sign my guestbook?
No, sorry but I link who I like and I sign the guestbooks I want to. I'm sure you site is nice as well, but I have others sites to work on.

5. Join my mailing list!!!
What? are you kidding? I'm not joiing your mailing list. I've only joining one that Camy owns, hers is the best and I ain't join anymore, sorry.

6. Can you make this banner with a picture I can't find?
If you can't find a picture what makes you think I can? To tell you the truth, I nenver surf around other Spice Girls web site. I only surf in the Sailor Moon community, so I really don't know much about other Spicy sites. Everyone one comes here first beore I visit their site, so I probably haven't even seen the pic you want.

7. Your sites a little too pink. Don't you thnk you should change it?
Thats what I thought, but then what colour do I change it to? I mean if I changed it then the whole site will have to change and I can't really be bothered doing that so I just dropping the idea.

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