My Favorite Movies

Go to each film's page to find out why I like it so much

1949-The Third Man
                  I'm not sure what properties make my favorite movies my favorite movies, but looking over this list, I see the overall skill and artistic vision from directors, writers, cinematographers, composers and actors seems to be very high in just about all of these films, so I guess I like movies made by experienced, talented people with their own stories to tell. Duh.

Many of the titles seem to focus on the darker side of humanity. Murder, prostitution, betrayal, obsession, etc. Maybe enjoyment of such negative themes in the theater gives release and helps me to be the warm, cheery person I am in real life.

In any case, if you haven't seen any of these movies, check them out.

1972/74-The Godfather/The Godfather: Part II
1976-Taxi Driver
1978-A Wedding
1984-Once Upon A Time In America
1986-Mona Lisa
1994-Heavenly Creatures


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