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Hi, My name is Sidhe danz

I signed up for a Geocites Homepage on 1/09/99. I now reside here in the French Quarter.

My interests are:
Belly dancing, Dark Shadows, painting, acting, and pretty much all forms of art. I also love Writing, Magick, Vampires, and am a co-owner of the Vamp-l list

The description of my page is:
Personal and descriptive of my dance troupe and things about myself. I do hope you enjoy what I am attempting to do. Please venture forward into my site and see me along with others I perform with.


E-mail me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me often, the welcome mat is always down for visitors.

My Place

Dancers of Humboldt County

Dancers continued

Links to My other Pages
index1.html dance.html vamp.html

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