Our first known Cheek ancestor is Jeremiah Cheek who was born in 1775 in Orange Co, NC. He married Tabitha (perhaps Doyle) and they had 10 children. His wife's first name and their children are well documented from his will and estate papers. Jeremiah and Tabitha settled in Bedford/Marshall CO, TN where he died in 1823.

Jeremiah's father has not been proven and there is much speculation amongst Cheek researchers that he is the brother of Jesse Cheek who also migrated from NC to TN. Their children share the same names and the close proximity of their settlement and deaths seem to point toward their being related.

Against the reasonings of other Cheek researchers I have chosen to attach Jesse and Jeremiah to Elisha Cheek of Robertson CO., TN. This is not proven but a point of reference only. Both Jeremiah and Jesse had sons named some derivitive of Elisha. Neither Jesse or Jeremiah are listed in Elisha's will but, there is only one son listed in the will but there is a mention of other sons, not named. Research is ongoing on this line.

Anyone interested in joining the private Cheek Family Site at please email me direct and I will send you an invite. There is a lot of good information on this site about Jeremiah and other, non-related Cheeks.

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