16th South Carolina, Battle of Franklin,

South Carolina

Gist Brigade
Army of Tennessee
A place where legend meets history to tell a story of our past...

General States Rights Gist
Collection of the South Carolina Relic Room
Columbia, S.C.

"The Brass Mounted Army"
Music by Dayle K.

The delays and off time with Geocites I cannot control, but the sites will continue. I thank all of you for your support and kindness to me. I had no idea. Again my thanks, steve

To my friend, Jack, St. Michael's still stands!

and to Ms. A, my thanks as always!

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Great Gatsby"

The 2003 Symposium

The Confederate Relic Room will now handle Mac Wyckoff’s symposium. For more information follow the link. Jim Odgen, of the National Park Service will be speaking this year on the Gist Brigade at Chickamauga. He alone is certainly worth the cost of being present.

2003 Symposium

Want an email link to your ancestors name in the roster?
Noticed a broken link, or error, I need to correct? Just drop me an email!
Other Topics that relate to the Sixteenth:
Other Units that relate to the Sixteenth:
Listings for known S.C. War Between the States Units:
A Brief History and Book Listings.

This site was created and edited by Steve Batson.
All the mistakes are mine.

Credit for research, photos, and documents goes to many institutions and people and is noted, none are more important than the sons and daughters of the Sixteenth who remember. If I have overlooked you or made an error, or forgotten to credit someone or thing, please let me know, it was not intentional. My thanks for all your help.

Copyrighted© 1996-2001 by Steve Batson
All Rights Reserved®.


A note on Searching, keep it simple, looking for the First South Carolina Vols. Try First. Looking for Colonel B.B. Smith, Try Smith, You will get more than you want, but you will find what you want.


Finding your ancestors, research sources, and finding out of print books:

For more information about how to obtain a copy of your ancestors service record you may wish to contact the South Carolina State Archives. The Complied Service Records for South Carolina Soldiers are also housed in most of the major public libraries on microfilm. In Greenville County, the South Carolina Room of the Greenville County Public Library has an extensive collection of material for genealogical research. This includes the Complied Service Record Microfilm and other publications. For those wishing for a simple search by name the Broadfoot Guide to Confederate Soldiers is available. Most libraries have the 27 volume set that covers all southern service. However, the two volume set on South Carolina is most helpful for service rosters by soldiers name (Volume One) or unit (Volume Two).The Confederate Relic Room in Columbia and the South Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina are two other large collections available to those doing research. The index for the manuscript collection at the South Caroliniana Library is available in most public libraries in South Carolina, including the South Carolina Room of the Greenville County Library. Manuscript and other collections are available at other libraries and universities that might be helpful. In the Upper Part of South Carolina both Furman and Clemson have extensive collections. Finally the Greenville County Gen Web and Pickens County Gen Web pages will be most helpful. For out of print, reprint, and other hard to find books on South Carolina and the War Between the States: Broadfoot Publishing, First Corps Books in Columbia, Morningside Press, and Bibliofind are all excellent sources and there are many others.

For My Home Page

Click on photo for Glen Davis's vision of Franklin.
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