Until December of 1996 the antenna in the photo was KF2XF and it worked pretty doggone nicely, considering. The antenna in the picture configuration, got me:
- DXCC 10 Meter Phone
- DXCC on 15 and 20 meters
- DXCC Phone
- A total of 263 countries worked
Now I have been a ham since the early 1960's and have held calls:
WB2OGD, N2LQY and the abominable and soon to be feared, KF2XF. Several college degrees, two careers, children, their schooling and a lovely wife and home kept me from really involving my self in DX until the 1990's. So I kind of only have 5-6 years actively involved in the idiocy we call DX. But....
"Whatta great hobby"
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