My Sweet Audrina
This book started out a little boring, but once I got to about page 50 it started to pick up, and I was glad I started it. It was so unlike anything else I had ever written by her, and so true to life.

My Sweet Audrina is about how parents react to the susceptability of children in extreme measures. It's about a young girl forced to grow up suddenly and find out who she really is. The charachers in this book were so real because they were normal people under slightly abnormal conditions. My Sweet Audrina is also a cryptic mystery, which takes a little past reflection on the reader's behalf in order to solve.

Revenge, compassion, forgiveness, hope, rage, and the ability to start over again; is why My Sweet Audrina makes an excellant book to indulge yourself in.

NOTE: A lot of the topics dealt with in My Sweet Audrina are adult topics. While the language level is kept to a minimum, many topics may be unsuitable for children under 16. Some of the topics covered (yet approached respectfully) are rape, violence, prostitution, miscarriage, and child abuse.

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