What kind of equipment is changeable?

Soon there is going to be a list of all models I tested my hypothesis on. This list is rather short because I did not have acces to many models. It doesent mean other models cannot be changed using the same codes, or the same system.
This list will only be the start. When some of my readers have made some changes thremselvs, the list will grow. Each item on the list is going to be linked to a page with all the info avilable on that model. including the codes for functions already enabled by someone, a description of how to enable more functions, and a list of "suspected" posible functions.

It's not an easy job to put it all in writing. Right now the data is scribled all around service manuals, and has to be collected and processed. I want to make sure It's all corect before you go out and try it. I'm a student, and in the middle of my semester exams. So bear with me!

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