The Kleb's Windsurfing Photo Album

[boardhead picture]
Bil, overpowered on a mis-rigged 3.3 m2 and the Rausch-Kleb Custom (8'4"/~90L)
in Tropical Storm Danny, 24 Jul 97. [Photo by Glenn Woodell.]

In summary, we are now land-owning "Gentry" of soundfront in Frisco, North Carolina and have completed construction of a 3 bedroom/3 bath sports- and relaxation-oriented house as of May 1999. The windsurfing trailer and the onshore wave board are complete and the trailer has been tested on Hatteras sand.

The current menu consists of:

In addition to the above, we have built a high-wind bump n' jump board with the help of the (Lee-)Rauschs, but we have not gotten around to putting the story online.

On yet another tangent, bil has web-published the mastbox repair he preformed on "Mary's" Bic Electric Rock after a few high, flat landings on the "disposable bic". Subsequently, Fox Watersports had to repair the deck after bil broke the board in half. (Bil isn't to jump the Electric Rock anylonger, hence the board construction project above.)

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Last modified: Fri Dec 21 14:03:50 EST 2001

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