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Some of my interests and my favorite links

November's Puzzle

The first of my students to email me the correct answer at will receive 2 percentage points on their next test and be awarded the title "Student of the Month" for next month.

Over a 100-yard sprint, Tom has to give Dick a 20-yard start, and then they finish in a dead-heat. Exactly the same result is achieved when Harry gives Tom a start of 25 yards. One day, Dick challenged Harry to the hundred yards. Naturally he thought it only fair to have a head start. For there to be another dead-heat, what head start should Dick be given?

Answer to October's Puzzle:
7 people in car
3 males, 4 females

Student of the Month for November

Matt Pollack

Click here to visit the Student of the Month Hall of Fame

Assignment Guides

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Mr. Guiliano's Joke, Limerick, and Fun page


Mr. Guiliano's Course Links

Course Links

Mr. Guiliano's Italian Page


The Big Cheese Award

(Naming the Background Tune)

Matt Pollack

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Previous Song: "Baby It's You". Take a guess at the current song !
Click here to visit the Big Cheese Hall of Fame

Mr. Guiliano's Guest Book

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