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127 midis!!!!

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to do E-mail me, at least E-mail
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Guestbook by GuestWorld
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!!Headlines!! August 27


You have Reached Joey Duncans Website.
BE AWARE MY EMAIL ADDRESS HAS CHANGED MAKE SURE YOU DON'T CLIKC ON A EMAIL LINK ON ANY OTHER OF THE PAGES EMAIL ME AT THIS ADDRESS Ok it has been a while since I have updated my webpage. I allot has happened. I could right a book on what has happened between October and now. But I won't :-). But what has happened is in January my father died. Wait hold the sympathy, I don't want it. It's allot better off, for everybody. The man has been in nothing but pain for the last 3 years, and so was I failed 4 classes because I couldn't stand to work at home. No I didn't get my license. But after driving somewhere around 550 miles on a trip to Colorado and Wyoming I'm going to take my test soon. I'm sort of glad to be going back to school, one because it's my senior year, and I'm getting bored and want to see some of my friends. The computer consulting has taken off almost out of hand.

This year my Senior year I'm taking it easy.
I'm also proud to say that I'm running the highschool webpage next year.
Also I'm taking the 3 and 4 semester of the Cisco Systems Class.
I'm going for all A's this year, and by Goarge I'm going to get it, if not I'll be close.


Of all the things in the world I like, aviation is what I like most. I have liked the concept of flight since I can remember. When I get out of high school I plan to go to collage then become i pilot. What I would like to do is Join the Air force(Aim High)become a pilot and go to their type of collage. Almost any type aviation interests me. The thing I like most is aerobatics and combat(only in it's artistic form. I hate war!)

My Computer

It's a design/gaming computer.

  • 128mb. RAM
  • AMD K6-2 350, 1mb L1 Cache
  • On board 8mb AGP, w/ Voodoo2 accel.(3DFX) 12mb VRAM
  • 8.4GB hadrd drive
  • CTX 15" Monitor
  • AWE32 Creative labs soundblaster.
  • Modem Blaster flash56 (56K flex) :-(
  • some cheap joystick
  • Mustek 1200 III EP
  • Cannon BJC-210 color printer
  • Ok speakers,ohhhh cars bumb right my computer bumbs, 12" woofer in a box under my computer table
  • Iomega internal EIDE Zip drive

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Last updated 12/27/98
I have created All of these pictures except the Capcanaveral and the link exchange pictures. If you are ofended with any of my pictures, or claim any of the others, Email me and I will take them out(it depends on how good your excuse is)
The webmaster of the this page is yours truly PeaceMaker!
Peacemaker DeSiGnS, ALL rights may not be reserved (it all depends on your attitude)