The following is a list of mods that I know of for the AR-8000. Most
of these were sent to me by Scott West (
If you know of any other mods, please email
Full coverage
Reduce audio clipping
Cure those wandering birdies
Narrow/Wide filter selection
Add a switch to change between narrow/wide filter
speech inversion add on board
Reducing sputtering squelch
Adding different output jacks to the AR8000
Fix your faulty audio scan feature
Reducing audio clipping of certain received signals
(read: cellular reception) via changing out the AM/NFM IF 6 kHz filter
(CFWM455F) with either a 7.5kHz (CFWM455E) or 10kHz (CFWM455D) filter.
The mod used to be located on the no longer avaiable USSN web page. This
can be found at
By adding another switch (DPDT) and retaining the
original 6kHz IF filter and the audio clipping mod filter (either the 7.5kHz
or 10kHz), you can switch between the original AM/NFM filter, audio clipping
mod filter, and the SSB/CW filter in any reception mode. Both filters (original
and audio clipping AM/NFM filter) can reside together in the AR8k in either
a "dead bug" configuration or by laying them on their sides. This mod is
part of my previous post to the list and can be found at
Some owners of the AR8000 say that their audio scan
feature does not work. This modification can be found at
This page also has detailed instructions on how to take the AR8000 apart.
Note that all standard disclaimers apply. i.e. If you choose
to perform any of the above mods, you are doing the mods at your own risk,
and I have no affiliation with any of the above sources. Remember that
you are working with very small surface mount technology devices.
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