This site features paragliding activities in India Site under construction

Strong Winds on Sinhagarh

The "Sinhagarh" is certainly capable of living up to its name in more ways than one. Notably, the Paraglider Pilots were recently buffeted by blasts of up to 55 KPH during an unprecedented competition held by Harley Paragliders, billed as the Sinhagarh Blowout, that saw the pilots scream wide around the weather mark - and then try to head toward home in the most efficient way possible, beating against unseasonably heavy winds. But, in the true spirit of the enthusiasts, there was more excitement than unhappiness about the unusual conditions. And, certainly, the Goans with their laminar site  who came over to get a feel for the inland wind experience got more than their money's worth in terms of thrills. Want to get a taste of what it was like to be at the Sinhagarh Blowout? (You can link this page to others to provide actual photographs of your club's activities.)

(Spotlight appealing destinations.)
This section highlights destinations recommended by our contributors for wind activities of one sort or another.

Paragliding at Mumbai
Paragliding at Pune
(News of what happened at recent taskweeks, competitions, etc.)
This section is the place to post the outcome of paraglidng, paramotoring & hang gliding-related events that have occurred since the last update, by category: paragliding, sailing, windsurfing, land-sailing, kiting, hang-gliding - you name it, as long as it involves wind. Current categories are as follows:
Sinhagarh Blowout winners
United India Paragliding Association Ladder
Western Paragliding Association Ladder

Buy, sell, trade, deal/swap...or just put your ideas out there, whether they're for trips, events, swap meets, or the best way to capitalize on your wind-related enthusiasm. Explore the unclassifieds to keep your finger on the pulse of the wind-enthusiast community. 

Upcoming events
Membership update
Information on upcoming competitions
Going with the Wind organizational information
Where to get the best deals on wind-related equipment (for submissions, send mail to
Information about weather conditions (including reasonably accurate wind predictions). (Provide the latest in club-related news.)
Gliding and Soaring in India  (A comprehensive site for all air-sports related activity in India)

Send submissions, comments, questions, and anything else that occurs to you
to us via e-mail at Going with the Wind.

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This page last updated on December 31, 2000.
Copyright ©1997, Bajpai
