Stefano Pagiola: Aviation Writer and Photographer

Airline PhotographsAirline Slide TradingCommercial Use
Aviation PublicationsBAe 146 / Avro RJ Home PageLinks

Conditions of Use

All the photographs on this site are Copyright Stefano Pagiola, 1997-2001.

Private Use

You are welcome to download photographs on this site for your own private use.

If you have a free site without any advertising, you are also welcome to post them on your site as long as you (i) clearly identify me as the photographer, (ii) provide your readers with a link to my home page and/or an e-mail link to me, (iii) notify me of any such use (see contact information below), and (iv) impose similar conditions on your readers. For example, you could use the following HTML code:

Photograph by 
<A HREF="" >Stefano Pagiola</A>.
All rights reserved. For more high-quality airline photographs, visit his 
<A HREF="">home 

Commercial Use

My photographs cannot be re-sold or posted on any site which requires any kind of payment for entry or which carries any commercial advertisement without my express permission. Please contact me at one of the addresses below for conditions.

In addition to the pictures shown on this site, I can supply high-quality slides on a wide range of airline topics, including both roster shots and action scenes. If you would like to publish any of the pictures on this site, or inquire on the availability of other shots, please contact me at one of the addresses below. My photographs have been published in a wide variety of aviation publications, include Airways, ACAR, Airliners, Aircraft Illustrated, JP4 Mensile di Aeronautica, and Propliner, as well as in several books. Several have also been produced as postcards.

Slide Trading

If you are interested in trading slides of airliners with me, see my slide trading page.

Contact Information

E-mail:s p a g i o l a @ u s a . n e t (remove spaces)
Regular mail:850 N Randolph Str No.817, Arlington VA 22203, USA
Telephone:+ (703) 527-9386

Airline PhotographsAirline Slide TradingCommercial Use
Aviation PublicationsBAe 146 / Avro RJ Home PageLinks

Please e-mail any comments,
suggestions, or requests to:
Stefano Pagiola
850 N Randolph Str No.817
Arlington VA 22203, USA

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