Stefano Pagiola: Aviation Writer and Photographer

Airline PhotographsAirline Slide TradingCommercial Use
Aviation PublicationsBAe 146 / Avro RJ Home PageLinks

Slide Trading

If you are interested in trading high-quality slides of airliners with me, please contact me by e-mail at or by snail-mail at

850 N Randolph Str No.817
Arlington VA 22203

The pictures on my site should give you a good idea of the kind of slides I am looking for. I like slides that are sharp and full-frame. I do not restrict myself to rampshots: Action shots are particularly welcome; terrace shots are fine. Nor do I restrict myself to main-gear-lined-up perfect side shots: three-quarter forwards shots are welcome, and also three-quarter rear. The registration should be visible somewhere on the aircraft. Slides should usually be taken in sunny weather.

Of course, if your requirements are different, I will try my best to satisfy them. My policy is that both traders have the right to return any slide for any reason.

One word of warning: Because of work and other commitments, I am often unable to trade during long periods. I prefer, therefore, to trade less frequently and in larger batches.

I am particularly interested in slides of BAe 146s and Avro RJs; if you have any slides of these aircraft to trade, please see my requests list. Other airliners I like include first-generation European jetliners such as the Caravelle, Comet, One-Eleven, Trident, and VC-10, and propliners in general, and particularly the ATL-98 Carvair and the Douglas DC-3.

Contact Information

E-mail:s p a g i o l a @ u s a . n e t (remove spaces)
Regular mail:850 N Randolph Str No.817, Arlington VA 22203, USA
Telephone:+ (703) 527-9386

Airline PhotographsAirline Slide TradingCommercial Use
Aviation PublicationsBAe 146 / Avro RJ Home PageLinks

Please e-mail any comments,
suggestions, or requests to:
Stefano Pagiola
850 N Randolph Str No.817
Arlington VA 22203, USA

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