
Hi folks! You ended up at The Homepage of Krunoslav Sekovanic. However, welcome!

This website survived whole eleven years in its original form with minor updates. Due to really old contents and broken html-links I decided to close the site down. At the moment I'm not planning to revive it.

If You feel like contacting me, please consider searching for my name at Facebook. Classic way would be to e-mail me at sekovanic|at|gmail|dot|com.

Here's a bit that's left from an old website. Enjoy.

Copyright Krunoslav Sekovanic, 30TH July 1997
Digitally remastered by Krunoslav Sekovanic, 23RD September 1998. Unupdated ever since!
Contents removed on 25
TH November 2008. Only main page left for notices. Thanks to Geocities and Yahoo! for hosting.