No. 14 (Fighter) Occupational Squadron


intro.GIF (171 bytes) RNZAF No.14 Squadron was sent as part of New Zealand's contribution to the British Commonwealth Occupational Force in Japan. The 300 man strong contingent departed from Auckland, New Zealand on the 8th March 1946. They travelled on the H.M.S. Glory, a 14,000 ton light fleet carrier of the Royal Navy, taking with them 24 Vought Corsairs to fly patrol missions. The necessary aircraft were assembled at the Hobsonville Air Force Base near Auckland before being loaded onto H.M.S. Glory at Princes Wharf in Auckland. Prior to departing Auckland the squadron paraded down Queen Street to Princes Wharf. The contingent listing and parade were recorded by the NZ Herald.

Besides the R.N.Z.A.F.'s No. 14 Squadron there were also R.A.A.F. Mustang, R.A.F. Spitfire and U.S.A.A.F. squadrons stationed in Japan, each with their own area to patrol, No. 14's being 200 square miles around Iwakuni. The squadron's duties included searching the coastal waters for refugees, as well as ensuring that destroyed Japanese airbases were not being rebuilt.

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