
Build a Kindle Edition-Anyone Can!
by J.M. LaRoche

Get Amazon’s revolutionary Kindle eReader today!

Here is a proven step-by-step method for getting eBooks built and published for Amazon’s Kindle eReader by an experienced publisher of Kindle Editions.

The author has helped content creators through editing, book layout, cover design, publication, and promotion for eBooks and print-on-demand books. Since the arrival of the Kindle, he has been involved daily in producing books according to the Amazon’s requirements for Kindle Editions. He has organized Build a Kindle Edition—Anyone Can! as a guide and reference tool.

Here is a roadmap for building a personal eBook, or for making one to publish in the Kindle Store. Experienced and would-be authors will find clear explanations of proven techniques that enable them to create, publish, and promote an eBook in a short time. The author’s approach is not hype and theory. He uses three book building projects that have been published to show how his methods work. The first bookbuilding project covers a work of fiction. The second deals with the requirements of a nonfiction book. The third shows the particular details of building an anthology of poetry.

If you ever thought about writing, but hesitated after realizing how hard it can be to have a book published through the old publishing establishment, here is a method to achieve your aspirations. Amazon’s revolutionary Kindle eReader along with its Digital Text Platform for publishing has democratized the industry. Now, YOU can create and market your eBook. Carpe diem!

The book is a practical tutorial that explains, through building three example Kindle Editions, how to create books for personal use or for sale at the Kindle Store.

1 Anyone Can Build a Kindle Edition: The New Paradigm of Open Publishing
2 Book Content: Text and Images
3 Bookbuilding: Techniques and Tools
4 Book Design—Three Examples: Fiction, Nonfiction, & Poetry
5 Publish a Kindle Edition: Amazon’s Digital Text Platform
6 Promote Your Kindle Edition: Timeline of Marketing Activities
7 Recommended Reading: Other Kindle Editions about the Kindle, Publishing, and Writing
8 eBook Timeline: Milestones in the History of eBooks, and eBook Readers
9 Online Resources: Services and Tools
10 Kindle HTML Tags: The Complete List