This Tuition Center aimed to give free assistance to pre-university (STPM/A Level) students in mathematics (pure, statistics & probability, and mechanics)

Notice Board
Welcome ZhiYong to join the family of Paul Liong & May Wong with effect from 10.10am, 05/08/2000.

Metamatik S, Metamatik T, Metamatik Lanjutan T
A Level 
Pure Maths, Statistics/Probability, Mechanics,
Should you have maths questions or problems,please feel free to email your questions
(preferably in MS Words files with equation editor)

Other Useful links
STPM Corner, TM School On-Line, PortalPendidikanPMR/SPM/STPM, SupKimia(SPM), AskDr.Maths, MyStudentWeb, Fizik I, Fizik II, Fizik III, E-Sekolah, SPM-ExamCor, EducateOnline, MyEtutor, Maths League, IQ Test, 50GreatMathsProblems, StatisticsWorkshop, QuantumMechanics, StudyWeb, GoldenRatio(Phi), SciencePage, Chemistry-A-Level, Series&CalculusTutorial, MagicLandOfMaths&Physics, PreCalculus:O/A-Level, DauMathsRefresher, FiniteMaths&AppliedCalculus, ProblemSolving:MathsPhysicsChemistry.., Pascal'sTriangle&BinomialDistribution, MersennePrimesNumber, OlimpiadMathsMadness, AdvancedVectorAnalysis, Songzi'sMathsPage, BrainFood:Maths&Puzzles, LearnBeyond, E-Degree/Diploma,

PL Entertainment Center
Laura's MIDI Heaven,Young Mum's Sky,MusicCorner,Wanita.Net, Titanic Heaven,

Very Personal
MyLove00, MyLove01, MyLove02, MyLove03, MyLove04, MySon01, MySon02, MySon03, MySon04, MySon05, MySon06, MyBiodata,

Updated on 22/08/2001