The Connecticut Wing

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    399th Comp. Sqd.
    Kenosia Avenue Ext.
    Danbury, CT 06810
    Phone: 203-794-1489

Visitors Since April 1998

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**** Welcome... This site will see continued development over the next several weeks... Have a great day! ****

Welcome to the 399th Composite Squadron of Civil Air Patrol. Civil Air Patrol is the official civilian auxiliary of the United States Air Force, carrying out three congressionally authorized missions; aerospace education, emergency services, and cadet programs. Civil Air Patrol was created in 1941, and today has over 50,000 members nationwide. 52 wings, or one per state plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico comprise the organization. The 399th is one of eleven squadrons within the Connecticut Wing.


Coming Soon!

© 2001, The 399th Composite Squadron, CAP.
Site Version 4.01; Last Updated 14 March 2001.
Site design by C/Lt Col Rory Thibault

Links or refererences to individuals or companies does not constitute an endorsement of any information, product or service you may receive from such sources. CAPR 110-1