
MILP - planta - maximizante

  • Programa similar para programación lineal on-line (MILP)

    Desarrollo: Thank you for using web optimization!
    MILP - planta de dos productos y tres talleres - maximizante - Opciones 1º,4º y 5º.
    verbose mode
    print after reinverting
    trace pivot selection

    int: x2
    int: x1
    **********Data read**********
    Rows    : 3
    Columns : 2
    Nonnuls : 8
    NAME          LPPROB
     N  r_0
     L  C1
     L  r_2
     L  r_3
        x1        r_3       4
        x1        r_2       1
        x1        C1        2
        x1        r_0       1
        x2        r_3       2
        x2        r_2       2
        x2        C1        2
        x2        r_0       1.5
        RHS       r_0       0
        RHS       C1        160
        RHS       r_2       120
        RHS       r_3       280
    problem name: lp
                    x1       x2
    Maximise      1.00     1.50
           C1     2.00     2.00 <=   160.00
          r_2     1.00     2.00 <=   120.00
          r_3     4.00     2.00 <=   280.00
    Type           Int      Int
    upbo           Inf      Inf
    lowbo         0.00     0.00
    Start Invert iter       0 eta_size    0 rhs[0]           0.0000
    End Invert                eta_size    0 rhs[0]           0.0000
    Start at feasible basis
    Extrad = 0.000000
    col_prim:      5, reduced cost:      -1.5000000000
    row_prim:      2, pivot element:      2.0000000000
    Theta =               60 Iteration:     1, variable    5 entered basis at:     60.0000000000
    objective function value of this feasible basis:      90.0000000000
    col_prim:      4, reduced cost:      -0.2500000000
    row_prim:      1, pivot element:      1.0000000000
    Theta =               40 Iteration:     2, variable    4 entered basis at:     40.0000000000
    objective function value of this feasible basis:     100.0000000000
    col_prim: no negative reduced costs found, optimality!
    level   1 OPT INT value 100.000000
    *** new best solution: old: -1e+24, new: 100 ***
    Value of objective function:              100
    x1                      40
    x2                      40
    Actual values of the constraints:
    C1                     160
    r_2                    120
    r_3                    240
    Dual values:
    C1                    0.25
    r_2                    0.5
    r_3                      0
    Branch & Bound depth: 1
    Nodes processed: 1
    Simplex pivots: 2


    Pulsar tecla de vuelta

    Vuelta a Portada

    Glosario de Carlos von der Becke.

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