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An Italian aviation site created by Roberto Picco

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Visitor since December 5th 1997, the first RWY 35 upload!

This site is dedicated to all aviations enthousiasts like me. I've called this one RWY 35 because this is the landing runway's name of Milan Malpensa airport where since 15 years I usually go to photograph; but this is not all...Here is located the popular meeting point of the biggest Italian aviation spotters community.

In this Home page you can find every kind of images from the aviation world, Italian and not, with a particular attention to the passed liveries that have painted ours skyes.

...click here to discover it!

Please don't forget to sign up my guestbook and leave a message to me and the others aviations fans, with, if you want, some suggestions for give me a chance to improve and make this site your favourite virtual holding point!






And if you, like me, are not only an aeronautical fan, and enjoy to using your camera watching the outword were you living, beetwen and airplane to another, don't forget to visit my italian RWY 35 site full of No flying pictures...an outlook on the world from my point of view.

I Wish to send a sincere thanks to all Geocities staff who has give me the chance to build this home sweet home, to my brother Davide Picco and my goods friends Franco and Ben Auteri that with much patience have help me to create this site and all its contents. All this site has been designed and created (with exception of Geocities logo and texts) from the above mentioned authors. All the uses outside at the private one, and the free WWW exchange are prohibited without autorization.

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