
Character Creation:

  • Allowed Sourcebooks: Any 3rd edition Sourcebook.
  • Use the Priority Method from the main rulebook or create a 123 point character using the Point based method described in the Shadowrun Companion.
  • Characters cannot have Beta or Delta grade Cyberware.
  • Maximum Availability of 8 and Max Rating of 6 for all gear and cyberware.
  • Security or Military grade gear requires an appropriate background and contacts.
  • The game will start in Atlanta. The characters do not need to be based from there, but do need to be there at the beginning of the game.
  • Each PC will get one free contact, a fixer named Grendel. Grendel specializes in arranging runs that have to cross international borders. Grendel is a highly sought after fixer with a reputation for not screwing over Runners. He is also extremely careful. No one really knows what he looks like, or even what metatype he(or she) is.


When posting please put [SR-PBEM] in the subject line of the E-mail.

The game will be played using a mailing list through Yahoogroups. Most messages should be posted through the mailing list. Private messages can be sebt to me or any other group member, although please copy me on any private messages between characters.

Dice Rolling

I'll do all that. For things like allocating combat pool dice, either let me know in words roughly how you want to allocate the pool (John will attack the Troll aggressively) or let me know how many dice you want to allocate (John will use 4 of his six dice to try to hit the Troll). I would like to keep it as descriptive as possible to keep the game mechanics out of the way, so I would prefer the first method, but its your choice.

Send me mail.

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