canis minor- the lesser dog

History and Mythology-Orion's other faithful pet, following him around the sky, Canis Minor is similar to Canis major in many ways, mainly mythology. It also has a very bright star as it's main pointer. This star, Procyron, translates into "before the dog", meaning it is used to say that Canis major will be following shortly after this constellation's rise.


alpha-Procyron- this star was used to warn the Egyptians of an upcoming flood of the Nile. This is a double, but the smaller star is indiscernable without a larger scope Spectral Type-F5 IV Magnitude-0.4 Distance-11.4 ly

beta-Gomeisa- Spectral Type-B8 V Magnitude2.9 Distance-135 ly

gamma- Spectral Type-K3 III Magnitude-4.3 Distance-210 ly

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