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I was born in Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL



Docteur en Sciences Physiques, Université de Paris, FRANCE (1972)

Master of Science in Nuclear Science and Technology, São Paulo University, BRAZIL(1969).

Nuclear Engineer, Instituto Militar de Engenharia, BRAZIL (1965).

Bachelor in Physics, Guanabara University, BRAZIL (1964).



Since January 1966, National Commission for Nuclear Energy - CNEN, (researcher, member of the Nuclear Engineering Institute - IEN), Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL.

I worked for four years, from 1983 to 1987, at the International Atomic Enegy Agency - IAEA, in Vienna, AUSTRIA.


Last up date March 2006.


Orlando Ferreira Lemos Jr.

Brazilian Science Trail


Date : Time : Off On


The Einstein famous last words!

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