Index Rep By CustOrg Handler Status Priority Owner Opened Last Activity Received Resolved FixedByProduct cbxProdName Category Caused By Device User1 Problem Solution Disposition
199800001 Excell, David Kolb Aircraft
1, Active: New 3, This week Mark Chenault 5/3/98 10:18:11 AM 8/20/99 3:38:48 PM 5/3/98 10:18:11 AM 5/3/98 10:25:00 AM

1, Software 2, Config
Bolt Lineup Having problem with the main bolt attaching the air foil. An assets filter was in effect so the report was filtered. 09:00 - Main Bolt attaching airfoil is not seated properly - the Plan says that the main flange and airfoil match up. I have sent and Email to Kolb for clarification..dle.