Want to know more about firefighting vehicles? Click here: barnesandnoble.com Homepage

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A/S32 P-19 Aircraft Rescue/Structural Firefighting Vehicle

Move the mouse over the images to get a description of the vehicle. Click on the front widnshield to view inside the cab and view all of the cab controls as well. Or you can click the front Bumper Turret and get a view of the controls for it.


The A/S32 P-19 is a highly mobile, self-sufficient firefighting vehicle. It has a diesel engine powered, 4X4 all wheel drive chassis designed to fight fires over any terrain, and be compact enough to serve as a mobile firefighting vehicle, able to be loaded on most cargo aircraft and deployed anywhere in the world.

The truck, fully loaded can accelerate to 50 MPH in 25 seconds and has a top speed of 65 MPH. The truck is also capable of maneuvering in difficult terrain at low speed while discharging a firefighting agent simultaneously. It can ascend and descend a 60% grade and can negotiate an 18 inch obstacle.

*There are 3 styles of A/S32 P-19 vehicles and are designated as:

P-19= The typical ARFF vehicle with no structural pump panel, an interior operated roof turret, and no roof access hatch.

P-19A= The typical ARFF vehicle with a structural pump panel, an exterior operated roof turret and a roof access hatch. This model was designed for the U.S. Marine Corps.

P-19B= The typical ARFF vehicle with a structural firefighting panel, an interior operated roof turret and no roof access hatch.

Want to know more about firefighting vehicles? Click here: barnesandnoble.com Homepage

Created by Eric Tallberg

NOTE: I am hoping to make more pages such as this one with other fire engines or other vehicle types. If you have one in particular that you would like to see here, send me the photos and the specs and I'll try to get it up as soon as possible. You will get full credit for the photos and specs (don't send me exact words from the Technical docs, since I don't want to plagarize.) Just click my name above to send an email to me with the photos and specs. Unless this becomes a burden, I'll do this for free!!